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Note to Self (235) Mondays

Hi all. I haven’t been blogging much given I’m experiencing a difficult gestation and birth of my novel the Truth Within. But today, I’ve decided to let off a bit of steam on this platform. I don’t like to usually rant – and I don’t take this post as a rant. Merely an opportunity to…

Note to Self (234) Poster Child

I received an email last night from a very sweet girl I met a few months back who was job hunting, and she met with me to talk about career goals and how to find the job she wanted. This City is a world of sharks, I told her. It’s going to take a lot…

Note to Self (233) Turning Tables

One step down the street, fast pace to a safe haven, I want home. My stride takes me to the room, where I find the seat I usually pick every time I go there. I come here when I don’t want to face the familiar crowd, when I want to remain sheltered in my own…

Note to Self (232) Eyes

One single glance and I understand you. Our brains connected, we can finally hold hands and face life without fear. I don’t doubt anymore. Only feel.  Your voice soothes me. Your thoughts lead me where I always wanted to go. The darkness is long gone when I stare into your eyes, for all I see…

Note to Self (231) Talk To Me

I missed you. Hearing your voice, laughing at stupid jokes, this is what I need right now. I haven’t found many who could keep me entertained. The ones who do get my full attention are hard to find. It doesn’t take much, just enough to get the ball rolling. Maybe what I see as an…

Note to Self (230) Les Miserables

Oh boy, I haven’t cried watching a movie in so long. This was truly the most amazing piece of art I’ve seen in quite a long time. I grew up reading and studying the work of Victor Hugo – truly the most amazing author who will remain at the top of my list forever –…

Note to Self (229) Impatience

Define yourself. Tell me in a few words who you are. Not the image you project into the outside world, but your inner self, the real you you only dare to reveal to the very few who happen to catch your interest for longer than a mere few seconds. It doesn’t take much to know…

Note to Self (228) God

I’d like to believe there’s something bigger than us out there, and we’re not the simple product of luck. I still am a control freak, and don’t really feel like I can rely on God to solve all my problems. Much of my willpower helped me become the writer and the individual I am today.…

Note to Self (227) Dream

Stuck between fantasy and reality, in a blur of sensations, emotions come and go like waves crashing onto the shore. I don’t know why my mind keeps drifting away, never at rest, always seeking the final relief that will give my life its true purpose. The truth seems infinite. Impossible to grasp in the blink…

Note to Self (225) Kiki Breaks Free

Kiki wakes up every morning thinking she could do something better with her life, like being creative, and entertaining crowds, but instead, Kiki’s stuck in a world she despises. If she could she’d leave right now and get in her car, drive for hours, listening to music, and forgetting all about her worries, her bills…