Note to Self (24) Hugs and Kisses

Where I come from, we don’t use xoxoxoxo to express our affection when we send a message. We just write “kiss” not even “hugs”, because the French don’t really hug that much. They just kiss a lot. Maybe that’s why it’s called a “French” kiss.

Anyhow, I was wondering what xoxoxox meant at a deeper level. I try to imagine the sender of an email actually kissing me and hugging me when they sign xoxoxox and it makes me smile. Or do they just put that at the end because it looks nice?

It’s like when people say “love you”. Do they really love me, or do they just say that to be nice? I guess it depends on the person.

It always makes me feel a bit weird though, and not in a bad way, when I see xoxoxoxox or xxxxxxx or love you at the end of a message. It’s like I would like to actually be kissed and hugged by the sender, because imagining xxxxxx and oooooo is pretty limited to my imagination. And so I could start imagining tons of things that the sender never meant, and in the end, I’m stuck because I still don’t know how they would xxxxx and ooooo me.

I need a better explanation than that. See in French, when we say kisses, it’s a peck on the cheek. It’s not a French kiss. So what is xxxxxxx to you?

After I know that, I’ll be able to understand my messages better. I’m such a dork sometimes, it amazes me to a point of no return.

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